Iwona Preis
CEO, Intercult
Iwona Preis is a Director of Intercult Stockholm, Sweden, leading the organisation´s strategic development and daily operations. Intercult is the commissioning organisation of Woven Network Nordics. In her role as leader of a cultural NGO Iwona is an initiator and facilitator of collaborative projects, managing international partners teams from EU and beyond. On the thematic level she works with the role of culture in urban development for social sustainability, with focus on cultural heritage, climate changes, with building social capital of artist cultural organisations by delivering competence and inspiration for cross-border collaborations.

In 2015 Iwona was appointed a President of the European, members driven Platform Foundation River//Cities, engaging in impact of culture on sustainable development of urban waterfronts. Since June 2017 she has also been a Chair/acting CEO of Smart Coop in Sweden a growing enterprise, part of a social member driven Belgian Smartcoop.

Born in Poland and living in Sweden, she considers herself a citizen of Europe, working with building bridges from both an intercultural and international perspective.