Facebook event

This webinar will analyse some of the issues that have surfaced during the pandemic - both visible and not so visible - and the effects on some of the most vulnerable groups. Women, artists, and the internet have been revealed as the 3 pillars to which we have all turned in our efforts to survive the pandemic for the last 6 months.

Our question in this webinar focuses on artists: what is their role and what are the social conditions for artists in different countries during the pandemic? We will gather experiences from Europe (Ukraine, Scotland, England and Sweden) in order to reflect on each situation: Under what circumstances did artists work during the Lockdown? which protection and care strategies can we learn from/share internationally? We will focus especially on female experiences, because the invisible and undervalued work of WOMEN on the frontline of the pandemic was revealed as essential in saving lives and overcoming the consequences.

This is exactly what our project “Woven network \ Women’s network” is about. In times when women, ARTISTS and cultural workers have become even more precarious during the pandemic it’s time to think how to unite and ensure fair and properly valued working conditions for the most vulnerable groups.

Could the INTERNET become a new place of solidarity and artistic freedom?

Диана Берг (Diana Berg), director of Platform Tu (Mariupol, Ukraine) curator, cultural manager,

Iwona Preis CEO of Intercult (Stockholm, Sweden), international culture projects leader

Liz Gardiner, director of Fablevision (Govan, Scotland), cultural planning specialist

Ilona Demchenko, program manager of House of Europe (Kyiv, Ukraine),

Inga Pylypchuk, Berlin-based Ukrainian journalist, filmmaker, feminist, manager of "Kyiv Dialogue"

The webinar will start at 12 GMT\13 CET\14 UTC on September 2d.
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The webinar starts the public program of international digital cooperation project "Woven network \ Women's network" that explores and reevaluates the use of digital tools, materials, and the practice of distanced collaboration, through the creative work of female artists from Ukraine and three other European countries.

"Woven network/Women's network" is supported by European Union under the House of Europe programme.

2020-08-26 22:17